The $15,000 tuition fee for the Stanford EdLEADers program covers all course fees and materials for three quarter-long Graduate School of Business courses and three Graduate School of Education courses, including access to an online learning portal. Payment plan information and tuition subsidies for our fall 2022 cohort are detailed below.

Using the negotiation skills learned in the program “literally saved a million dollars which now we can dedicate to further programming opportunities for kids and teachers.”
Director of Educational Leadership and Innovation, Center for the Future of Arizona at ASU
Funding FAQs
Does Stanford offer any tuition assistance for the Stanford EdLEADers program?
Yes! For the fall 2022 cohort, we are offering significant tuition subsidies, reducing the overall tuition cost to $9,500. All accepted applicants will be considered for reduced tuition, with earlier submissions receiving greater consideration, as space and funding allow.
Can I use Title 1 funds to cover my tuition costs?
Newly available COVID-relief funds may be available in your school system/district through Title 1 to pay for professional development. Here is a helpful article with additional information.
My district will only cover a portion of the tuition in a given year. What are my options?
We have created a two-payment tuition option which allows many participants to divide their tuition over two fiscal years, as follows:
- The first payment of $5,500 will secure your placement in the program and will be due at time of enrollment.
- A final payment of $4,000 will be due prior to the conclusion of your third program course.
What funding options are available outside my organization?
You may consider reaching out to educational or community foundations. One of our current cohort members had his tuition fully funded by a local community foundation. To request additional program information to share with possible funding sources, email us (