Stanford EdLEADers

Professional Certificate Program

Learning Experience

Originally designed as a virtual, high-quality, learning experience for working professionals, Stanford EdLEADers offers the flexibility of individual, online instruction within a structured framework for collaborative learning with set scheduling. With this design, Stanford EdLEADers differs from many other online certificate programs.

Other Online Certificate Programs

Stanford EdLEADers

Type of learning

Individual learning

Individual and collaborative learning

Interactions with peers

Low interactivity with peers

High interactivity with peers:

  • Cohort-based
  • Quarterly-assigned learning teams
  • Partner- and team-based assignments
  • Dedicated learning-team workspaces

Interactions with Course Instructors and/or Facilitators

Low interactivity with course instructors and/or course facilitators

High interactivity with course instructors and/or course facilitators:

  • Two live class sessions per course with course instructors
  • Weekly office hours with course facilitator
  • Assignment feedback from assigned course facilitators


Automated tests and/or peer feedback

Peer and course facilitator feedback


Flexible scheduling

A combination of program-, team-, and flexible self-scheduling

Within a given Stanford EdLEAders course, participants will complete coursework:

  • Individually — activities such as watching video lessons, reviewing assigned readings, and completing individual assignments; as well as
  • Interactively — interacting with peers, course facilitators, and/or course instructors online, synchronously or asynchronously.
Photo of Samantha Olson

“[Stanford EdLEADers offers] the opportunity to engage in powerful, practical content to address issues unique to school district leaders, as well as opportunities to connect, collaborate, and innovate with peers.”

Samantha Olson

Vice President, Strategy | Colorado Education Initiative

Interacting with Course Content

All courses contain content which has been curated and custom-developed by a Stanford faculty member. Course instructors will present their content in several formats including video lessons, podcasts, readings, and multimedia case studies.

Interacting with the Course Teaching Team

Each course includes two scheduled online live sessions with the course instructor, providing an opportunity to engage in deeper discussions about the course content and assignments. Leading up to live sessions and assignment due dates, a course facilitator will be contributing to the course discussion forums and available during scheduled online office hours. Following assignment submissions, participants will receive individual feedback on their assignments.

Interacting with Fellow Participants

In addition to course discussion forums, participant collaboration is supported and encouraged through assigned learning teams, dedicated learning team workspaces, and partner- and team-based assignment with opportunities for peer feedback.